Li Fangze visited the security Department and the Modern Fashion Institute

Publisher: Subject Education AdministratorRelease time: 2023-05-18Number of views:10

为深入推进学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,We will promote in-depth and solid research,On May 18, Li Fangze, secretary of the Party Committee of the College, visited the Security Department and the Modern Fashion College。College office, Party Committee propaganda department responsible for comrades to participate in the survey。

In the security department, Li Fangze in-depth understanding部门Overview of development and construction,并就Campus securityFire safetyConducted in-depth exchanges with campus public opinion and other issues。Li Fangze fully affirmed the effectiveness of the development and reform of the security Department over the past two years, he said that the campus wall ensures the safety of the school, the four horizontal and eight vertical roads make the campus traffic management more smooth, the patrol car has improved the work efficiency of the security personnel, and the school's self-confidence and external influence have been enhanced。Li Fangze asked the Security Department to continue to strengthen contacts and exchanges with the territorial government and public security departments, further strengthen the management of guards and the reasonable placement of campus shared motorcycles, and strive to make new contributions in improving campus security。

In the Modern Fashion Institute, Li Fangze visited the fieldTextile, dyeing and finishing, clothing design, clothing technologySuch as training room, and in-depth college office with teachers, counselors cordial conversation。Li Fangze fully affirmed the relocation of Modern Fashion College, he pointed out that the relocation of the college is an important decision made by the school from the perspective of long-term development to promote the development of the college's various majors, especially the upgrading of students' practical training conditions。Li Fangze asked the modern fashion Institute to make full use of the unique advantages of the building, further optimize the environmental health of each training room, and keep up with the profession发展Cutting-edge upgrading of practical training equipment, constantly strengthening connotation construction, fully implementing the campus ideological work responsibility system, and strive to create excellent conditions for students' learning and growth。

This research is carried out around the established theme"Four not two straight" way, Li Fangze in the affirmation of the results at the same time also pointed out one by one the problems found in the survey, the two units of the responsible comrades unanimously said that will immediately develop plans and solutions, within the specified time limit to complete the rectification, so that both symptoms and root causes。